Thursday, July 27, 2006

Who's in charge here anyway??

I had a strange thing happen to me the last few days. Last night I found myself crying in Costco and today I was crying at the Mall. Now, granted it was not totally unprovoked, but those of you who know me know that I don't go in much for emotional outbursts (especially in public!) What is going on with me?? I'm just chalking it up to hormones and pregnancy hysteria! Hehe. :-) Really, though. What an odd sensation. I feel like this little guy is not only taking over my body, now he wants my emotions too. Things are happening that I can't control and I don't care for it.

It got me thinking though. That's exactly what I need to be doing with my up control. What if God had complete run of my life without all of the "controls" I like to put on it. Yeah, maybe I'd find myself doing things that aren't "normal" for me...(hopefully not bursting into tears for no apparent reason, but perhaps other just as "embarrasing" things). I'm willing to put up with an awful lot of inconvenience for these little blessings we're raising...why not be willing to do at least as much for the One who sends them! Just something I'm pondering...


At 10:23 PM, Blogger MM said...

Oh no! It must have been the Larsons showing up at Costco that made you cry! :) Good thoughts though, on giving up control to the Lord. (It's one of those things that's easier said than done...)

At 10:26 PM, Blogger Lauralee said...

No, no, it wasn't you. :-)
What a treat to see you there though. Its been too long. Maybe after the little squirt appears we can all get together again.

At 8:56 PM, Blogger steveswife said...

We like to think we have some control, but in reality, we don't. Isn't it a sweet blessing, though, to know the Blessed Controller of all things?! And emotions are a gift of the Lord--one of the ways that we reflect HIs image. I am amazed in reading the Word of the depth of Jesus' emotions, yet He was always able to subdue them to the Father's will. Oh that we might have the grace to do the same!

At 6:39 AM, Blogger Linda said...

Julie.. It is so great to hear you say that. I fight the thoughts.. (especially when my emotions cloud my decision or interrupt my communication) .. the thoughts of thinking that ALL EMOTION is bad. But then I get to thinking about Christ's displayed the range of emotion in the gospels.

I guess where I currently am.. is that I can't blame my emotions (especially the angry or hurt feeling) to escape responsiblity of my behavior.

Any thoughts??

At 1:52 PM, Blogger Lauralee said...

Thanks ladies for the great comments. So true. Our emotions are one of our great "womanly" gifts from God. Letting Him control them and not letting them control me is my great struggle. Just another area that I need to "give up"!

At 10:59 AM, Blogger Elisabeth said...

this is a late entrance into the conversation, but my mom and some of us were just talking about emotions and stuff in the car today. It's interesting how much hormones actually play into a woman's physical well-being, but it is equally cool that we as Christians are no longer enslaved to them. We can make the choice to have a bad attitude or to pray to God for help. We have the choice...well, to do a lot of things. : ) I am thankful for that, especially since I have great potential to be enslaved to my emotions! Thanks for writing.


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