We're Back!
Well, I can't believe that its been almost a month since I've posted anything here. We've been trying to get our traveling/visiting in before the baby comes next month. Well, we're home for now to wait for his arrival and "nest". :-) I've "officially" got 4 more weeks, but we'll see what he has in mind.
Sorry about the lack of pictures, but we've been having problems with our camera. I'm really hoping to get a new one before the little buddy makes his appearance. Andy's got his eye on one at Costco that we'll probably get once he gets paid. Can't wait. Anyway, I'll post more about what we've been doing this past month when I get a chance. But for now I hear screaming so I'm off to put the littles down for a nap. :-)
Nice to have you back! We'll enjoy seeing more pictures when you get a new camera - especially of the little guy. Maybe Andy can post one for you shortly after birth (hint, hint). :)
Welcome back!! Looking forward to more pictures...you have such cute kids!
Phew.. Laura.
This has been quiet a year for you all, lots of traveling (or maybe relocating is a better word.)
I can't believe you only have 4 more weeks!! Wow! Time flies!
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